if you do that, you can avoid a heartache 意味

  • それをやれば悲しまなくてすむ


        best you can do is:    《the ~》せいぜいできることは
        you can't take it with you:     You cán't táke it with you. ((略式))金は墓まで持って行けない(生きているうちに使って楽しめ).
        if there is anything i can do for you in the future:    今後何{こんご なん}かお役に立てることがあれば
        if you can:    できるものなら、できれば Catch me if you can! 捕まえられるものなら捕まえてみな。
        as you do:    多分{たぶん}に漏れず、皆がするように
        if you do this:    if you do this こうすれば
        you do that:     You do that. ((略式)) (1) /--/どうぞ,そうしなさい. (2) /-/勝手にしなさい;(できるなら)やってみろ.
        how do you do:     How do you do? 1 ?how . Hów do you dó? 2 (1) 初めまして《◆初対面のあいさつで,返答も同じ.これは現在進行形の代りに用いたもので,近代初期の古い英語の名残り.だんだん使われなくなっている. ◇[類] It's nice to know you. / I'm glad to meet you./((略式))How are you?/Glad
        how do you do?:    How do you do? 初めまして 始めまして はじめまして
        how-do-you-do:    {名} : あいさつ、困った立場{たちば} -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 【発音】how d'ye do
        all you can drink:    all you can drink 飲み放題 のみほうだい
        all you can eat:    all you can eat 食べ放題 たべほうだい
        all-you-can-eat:    all-you-can-eat 食い放題 くいほうだい
        all-you-can-sing:    {名} : 歌い放題{ほうだい}
        amount you can buy:    購入可能数 The amount you can buy is limited. 販売個数{はんばい こすう}に限定{げんてい}があります。


  1. "if you do not succeed, please do not trouble further" 意味
  2. "if you do physical work, you burn (up) more calories" 意味
  3. "if you do so again, you know one of the recording angels will score another mark against you" 意味
  4. "if you do that you will give him the advantage" 意味
  5. "if you do that you'll forfeit your bond" 意味
  6. "if you do this" 意味
  7. "if you do this for me, i'll make it worth your while" 意味
  8. "if you do this, i'll pay you ten dollars. what do you say" 意味
  9. "if you don't believe me, see for yourself" 意味
  10. "if you do that you will give him the advantage" 意味
  11. "if you do that you'll forfeit your bond" 意味
  12. "if you do this" 意味
  13. "if you do this for me, i'll make it worth your while" 意味

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